August 15, 2024

Book Review: Saved by The Matchmaker

Book Title:
Saved By the Matchmaker
Author: Jody Hedlund
Publisher: Bethany House.
Publisher Date: 2024-8-6 (352, Pages, E-book)
Genres: Historical Fiction, Romance, Christian Fiction
Series: A Shanahan Match # 2
After her annulment is finalized, Enya Shanahan finds herself caught in a web of scandal and obligation while carrying a secret that threatens to shatter her family's reputation. Determined to find a suitable marriage for Enya, her father turns to a wily matchmaker to save them from their circumstances.

Sullivan O'Brien, a steamboat captain committed to aiding enslaved people on their path to freedom, is faced with an ultimatum from his father. Forced to marry or lose his livelihood, a marriage of convenience seems to be the only solution. As he and Enya face the trials of their pasts and a city consumed by fire, they must confront their deepest fears and learn to trust in love, even when darkness threatens to engulf them.
Disclaimer: I received this book from LibraryThing Early Readers and this is my own honest review.
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Upon discovering this book, I was immediately drawn to its description. I have a penchant for history, especially when it's presented in a way that's not overly serious but still retains a hint of fiction. Having enjoyed the author's previous works, I was eager to delve into Saved by Matchmaker, fully anticipating the same level of personal enjoyment from her unique writing style that I've experienced before.

It is the way it starts, and we meet a daughter named Enya, her father, and her brother. However, when Enya mentions that she is holding a secret that will harm her family's reputation, things get pulled into action when her brother rushes to meet the matchmaker named Bellemy.

We are also introduced to Sullivan O'Brien and his livelihood. Will Sullivan take his father's ultimatum and lose his life? Will I love Enya, and will they indeed find love with each other? Will Enya learn to trust Sullivan, or will she fall back when she compares her new husband to Brian? Will he overcome her trust issues and fall in love with Sullivan?

We see that Sullivan loves to free enslaved people, but will the enslaved person catch him captured? Enya seems to see and want to help her husband, or she has found an enslaved person while on her way back from New Orleans.

There was a fire that caused some boats to be lost. But will Sullivan save him and the enslaved person, or will he be lost to see when he daringly moves to have his boat floating away from other boats? Will he help save another boat so the fire does not spread, or was it someone who started fires? Was it an act of nature?

What does the matchmaker see in Enya? Why does he think Sullivan is a good match for Enya? There seems to be something Belmy sees in Enya, and she is able to see Sullivan as a match. Will it work? Belmy appears to have a knack for matchmaking to have them marry and fall in love.

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June 16, 2024

Book Review: Evergreen Forevermore

Book Title:
Evergreen Forevermore
Author: T.A. Cline
Publisher: Independently published.
Publisher Date: 2020-8-11 (361, Pages, Paperback)
Genres: Mystery, Family, Romance, Christian Fiction
Evergreen Forevermore takes place in a quaint little town of Whitecap, Vermont. It sits on the shores of Lake Champlain. John Devore has finished his schooling in New York City. He is now a paramedic and his volunteer work at the homeless shelter where he has helped Vietnam Veterans has come to an end. He arrives in Whitecap to start an emergency unit at the firehouse. His casual run-in with Fred Bates, the town's most ignored individual, leads to the unraveling of a secret Fred has hidden for almost fifty years. Once John and the judge begin to investigate, they have no idea of the scope of what they will find, and who all will be affected by what is found. John lives with his grandparents on their farm ever since his parents died in a house fire. Gramps and grams raised him well. John begins making emergency runs to help the locals. Fred joins John at the e-unit, and they form a well-oiled team. Then the judge saddles John and Fred with a rich, spoiled, angry, young lady. The judge convinces John to help her and put her to work at the e-unit. The alternative for her is jail time. Her name is Katherine Walberg, and her father is Isaac Walberg, one of the rich and powerful in New York City. Doctor Mary Morgan, the town's only doctor, takes care of the residence of Whitecap with her niece Ali. John takes a liking to Ali, and the judge, when he shows up, takes a liking to Doc Morgan. Molly runs her diner, Molly’s the town hang out. When Isaac Walberg comes to visit Katherine and sees Molly, well, everything seems fine. However, under the surface, things are forcing their way to the top, and everyone in Whitecap will have their lives touched in the story, Evergreen Forevermore.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the author himself and this is my own honest review.
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Evergreen Forevermore is a captivating tale set in the picturesque hometown of Whitecap. It is a book brimming with mystery and intrigue. We are introduced to a young man named John Devore, who, driven by a deep sense of duty, becomes a paramedic to serve his community.

We are introduced to a judge who is a friend of John's. We meet a young woman named Katherine who needs to learn a few things about people. The story starts in a shelter in New York, where John volunteers and has met some friends along the way.

John and the Judge share a unique bond, a friendship that transcends their professional lives. The Judge, intrigued by John's tales of his hometown, expresses a desire to visit Whitecap. Will this wish be fulfilled? This book, with its rich tapestry of characters, holds the answer.

John sees a man working on the streets and wonders about him. His grandfather tells him his name is Fred Bates. John appears to start a conversation with Fred and introduces him. He also sees Fred Bates's interest in the new medic truck and wonders why. He finds a way to get Fred to work with him at the firehouse.

As the story goes on, there seems to be secrecy and mystery around every door. What are these mysteries, and will John be able to help? The story begins when the Judge has to sentence a woman he meets. Will a change of scenery and learning about others help out the young woman? What about her father? There is more to the plot than just learning about expectations and how others are feeling. The young woman needs an attitude change or will be in much more trouble if she continues her path. Will her father understand that he needs to let his daughter learn the hard lessons and stand on her own to two feet?

Judge James Wilcox, a pivotal character, embarks on a journey with John to uncover long-awaited hidden secrets. Will his efforts lead to a long-overdue family reunion for Katherine and Fred? Will a sweet handyman, be haunted by the memory of his lost and beloved wife, find closure? Fred, a veteran, is finally recognized for his bravery. Will he be able to forgive himself for the past?

This book is heartwarming. I really enjoyed it. I love how this ends. The characters are my favorite. However, each main character's story is involved in the other's. It is more about a story about a town and town folk than just a personal story. TA Cline does a wonderfully good job on this. I recommend this book and these other two books as well. This one is a top favorite. I would like to know if this book can be beaten from the top of the list.

This book is a treasure trove for those who seek a rollercoaster of emotions. If you are a fan of heartfelt stories, mysteries that keep you on the edge of your seat, and the complexities of family dynamics, this book is a must-read. It skillfully weaves together a diverse cast of characters, including a veteran, each adding a unique flavor to the narrative.

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Book Review: Bound Across Time By Annie R McEwen

Book Title:
Bound Across Time
Author: Annie R McEwen
Publisher: Harbor Lane Books, LLC.
Publisher Date: 2024-5-7 (324, Pages, E-Book)
Genres: Mystery, Time Travel, Paranormal, Romance, Paranormal Romance
Series: Bound #1
Perfect for fans of paranormal ghost romances!

CeCe Gowdie. Historian, rational, scorns the paranormal. When her boss orders her to convert her Welsh castle tours to ghost walks, she thinks that’s the worst that can happen. It is, until one midnight in the castle tower she meets Patrick—handsome, passionate, dead since 1761.

Patrick O’Loinsigh. Bastard son of an earl, brought from Ireland only to be murdered by his half-brother. The moment Patrick sees CeCe he claims her as his own, a claim neither of them understands but can’t resist.

CeCe’s body won’t survive loving a ghost, but losing him will tear her heart to pieces. Patrick can’t bear watching CeCe die by inches, but releasing her will hurl him back to a hellish half-life without her. Is there hope in the prophecy of an ancient Irish seer? The spells of Welsh witches? Or is the alchemy of love enough to bridge time and defeat death?
Disclaimer: I received this book from LibraryThing Early Readers and this is my own honest review
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Bound Across Time is intrigued with the title. The description also pulled me in. Who doesn't like a bit of paranormal with historical fiction mixed in? I was surprised by something I usually do not read, which brings in some magic.

Bound Across Time offers a unique perspective, blending historical fiction with elements of time travel or 'time slipping '. The narrative is enriched by a female main character, a rarity in this genre. Alongside her, a male main character adds depth to the story. The book initially presents itself as a blend of paranormal romance and historical fiction, a combination that it delivers on.

Though most of the story action takes place in the castle and its grounds, I do like that the author included a bit of witchcraft and soulers. Though the pace of the book at the beginning is a bit slow, it does pick up and get a bit more interesting when things start to happen without FMC and our MMC meeting each other.

Bound Across Time weaves a tantalizing mystery into its narrative, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. The FMC's initial ignorance of her family history adds a layer of intrigue, and as the story unfolds, her research on a young man who is a ghost leads to unexpected and fascinating revelations. This element of suspense is a major draw for readers interested in historical fiction with a paranormal twist.

CeCe wants to go to Wales to use her history degree. What she finds is different from what she expected. The plot is really good. However, I was unsure if CeCe found out who she was in the plot. But it was good nonetheless. Mixing in love and witchcraft and a little magic was really good. I enjoyed it and will read more about it. The ending has me wanting more. I would have liked to hear more about CeCe and her lover.

This book may be your ally if you're a fan of witchcraft and historical fiction with a paranormal romance. I was craving to find out more about CeCe and what happened at the end. I wanted more, and there is a bit of explicit sex in this book, but nothing to offend anyone. Does CeCe and her lover have sons or not, or does CeCe have a big family? You will need to find out by reading.

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June 15, 2024

Book Review: Khahari Discovers The Meaning of Autism

Book Title:
Khahari Discovers The Meaning of Autism 
Author: Evan J Roberts
Publisher: Empowered People Press
Publisher Date:  April 2017 (28 Pages, Paperback)
Genres: Autism, Children, Fiction,
Series: Khahari Discovers #2
This is a heartfelt story about a new friend accepting a boy with autism. The excitement of playing with a neighborhood friend is something every child enjoys. But as Khahari interacts with Omari, his neighbor and close friend, a fun game of basketball turns into a misunderstanding between Khahari and Omari’s cousin Jaden. Khahari decides that he doesn’t want to play with Jaden anymore, but Omari tells him that the boys should stick together. As Khahari learns about Jaden’s challenges with autism, the boys find a way to help each other and strengthen their friendship in the process.
Disclaimer: I received this book though Author Den for an Honesty Review. It is my own thoughts and opinions.
Want To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bam | Bookbub | Author Website
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Khahari discovering the meaning of Autism is an excellent educational book for children. It is simple and explains the emotions of Khahari, his friend Omari, and Omari's cousin Jayden.

The boys decide they want to play. Kharhari goes out to play basketball with his friend Omari. When they do, Omari introduces Jayden to Khahari, and they start playing. However, a misunderstood happens when Jayden goes after the ball and takes it inside. Will Khahari and Omari play again, or will a misunderstanding get in the way?

When playing, misunderstandings happen. Things go awry. Will learning about something you do not know and trying to have fun help Khahari and Omari come to an understanding? Can they help teach Jayden how to share by taking turns and playing a game?

As the story unfolds, the children learn and understand each other. This book is about Khahari, Omari, and Jayden. It shows that children with autism are not so different in their desire to play. They just have a unique way of understanding. By asking questions and learning about themselves, your child can help educate all children. Khahari is learning about autism, and Jayden is learning about sharing and taking turns. And together, we're all learning about empathy and inclusivity.

Omari and Khahari, through their understanding of the challenges and struggles of autism, strengthen their friendship and help each other out. This is a lesson all children can benefit from. The author has made it simple and easy to understand and read, ensuring that the journey of learning is enjoyable for children. And the best part? The fun and learning don't end with the book. They continue in real life, where understanding and empathy can make a world of difference.

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May 27, 2024

Interview Around the Globe with Wanda E. Brunstetter - (5/3/24)

Let welcome to our latest and newest member to our list of authors. Let welcome Wanda Brunstetter to Nighttime Reading Center. She here on to spread her lastest book "Letters of Wisdom" and also for a Chat. I am a member of  Wanda's Clippity Clop Club.

I have a chance to read her book "Letters of Trust". I have read it and read "Letters of Comfort" as well. Reviews are coming for these two books.

Let read her Bio and then go to her interview. #Interviews, #Interviewsaroundtheglobe, #NRC,




Friendship Letters Series --- Doretta Schwartz has always enjoyed writing letters and feels her letters can be a bit of a ministry to her friends. In this series, exchanging letters that contain open and honest feelings and struggles helps Doretta and two of her best friends through the darkest challenges of their lives.
 Find out in the third book of The Friendship Letters series by New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.
Letters and Prayers Between Friends Become a Balm for Healing
Irma Miller thought having a family of her own would bring her joy and a sense of accomplishment, but she struggles with memories of the abuse she suffered as a child at the hand of her stepfather. When she becomes physically and emotionally abusive to her own children, she reaches out to her friend Doretta for prayer and wisdom. But Irma may find herself at an even darker emotional place before she will admit she needs professional help to heal the past traumas. Will Doretta's letters of wisdom help Irma and her family, or will too much be broken to ever be repaired?

May be an image of 2 people, baby and people smiling
New York Times bestselling and award-winning author, Wanda E. Brunstetter is one of the founders of the Amish fiction genre. She has written close to 90 books translated in four languages. With over 10 million copies sold, Wanda's stories consistently earn spots on the nations most prestigious bestseller lists and have received numerous awards.

Wanda’s ancestors were part of the Anabaptist faith, and her novels are based on personal research intended to accurately portray the Amish way of life. Her books are well-read and trusted by many Amish, who credit her for giving readers a deeper understanding of the people and their customs.

When Wanda visits her Amish friends, she finds herself drawn to their peaceful lifestyle, sincerity, and close family ties. Wanda enjoys photography, ventriloquism, gardening, bird-watching, beachcombing, and spending time with her family. She and her husband, Richard, have been blessed with two grown children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

To learn more about Wanda, visit her website at


Does Wanda have a favorite time of day or location to write where she feels the most productive?
I pretty much write any time of the day and often write 5 days a week 8 hours or more per day. I enjoy writing outdoors when possible and when I can’t, then I write from my office where there’s a window to look out of.
Are you coming to PA any time soon?
We do have plans to return to Pennsylvania in early August. In addition to visiting with my husband’s family who live there, I will most likely be doing several book signings. My signing schedule will be posted on my website as the time gets closer.
Does Wanda cook a lot of authentic Amish recipes for her family?
I do cook recipes from my Amish friends whenever possible, and one of my favorite recipes is Amish Haystack.
Has Wanda ever gone to the Sight and Sound show in Strasburg? 
Yes, we have been to Sight and Sound several times over the years
Are there any subjects you won't discuss in a story line? Is there a subject you want to discuss but have not come up with a story for it? 
My head is always swimming with story ideas but there are probably some topics I won’t choose to write about. I always want my stories to bring glory to God, and if a certain subject matter doesn’t, then I would not choose to write about it.
Thank you for Letters of Wisdom. Will you write any more books on this subject in the near future?
I don’t have any plans at this point to write more on the topic of abuse, but I probably would if God showed me that I should.
What is Wanda's favorite recipe from all her cookbooks?
Haystack is one of my favorite recipes. It’s fun and easy to make, and also delicious! We've eaten it many times at our Amish friends' homes.
Was it difficult to come up with the story in Letters of Wisdom? The emotions and events hit spot on. It was sometimes hard to read the book because of the memories it brought up.
Coming up with the storyline was easy since both my husband and I suffered some forms of abuse when we were children. I had also been asked by several people to write something on the topic of abuse. 
Was it difficult to come up with the story in Letters of Wisdom? The emotions and events hit spot on. It was sometimes hard to read the book because of the memories it brought up.
Coming up with the storyline was easy since both my husband and I suffered some forms of abuse when we were children. I had also been asked by several people to write something on the topic of abuse.

Do you ever wish you lived in Lancaster County among the Amish?
We have some Amish friends who live in Lancaster County and other places in Pennsylvania, and it’s a great place to go. However, we have even more friends who live in Indiana, which I think would be great place to live.

Do you think there is less or more shunning than there was years ago?
I think severe shunning still occurs in some communities like the Swartzentrubers, but it’s my understanding from talking to friends who left the Amish faith after joining the church, that their family did not shun them for a very long period of time.
Do you have penpals that you write to regularly?
I don’t have penpals, as such, but I do have close friendships with many Amish families. We either write or call each other regularly and try to visit in person as often as we can.

What is the message you hope your readers take away from Letters of Wisdom?I hope my readers will realize that if they, or someone they know has been abused, it’s good to talk about it and seek professional help as needed. Forgiveness is a big part of healing from abuse and God’s Word has a lot to say about forgiveness. So turning to the Bible for help and healing is also very important.
Your Amish Friends Outdoor Cookbook released yesterday, May 1! Does your family enjoy grilling and outdoor cooking? What is your favorite outdoor cooking recipe?
Yes, my husband loves to grill outdoors and he received a new grill for his birthday in March and he’s eager to try it out. He cooks with Bison meat a lot and I love bison burgers with all the trimmings.
Do you often collect recipes from your Amish friends?
Yes, I have received many recipes from Amish friends and often pick up new ones whenever we eat at one of our Amish friend’s homes.

Has Wanda ever considered or thought about making one of her book series into a movie or movie series? And if so which series would she like to see done?" 
It would be nice to have one of my books or a series made into a movie, but unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to make it happen. I have been blessed, however, to have two of my books made into musical plays, and another one is in the works, which will debut in the spring of 2025.
Are there any plans for more of Wanda's books to be made into musicals at The Blue Gate Theatre? I'd love to see The Prayer Jar series as a musical!)
"Yes, the musical I mentioned in the previous question is currently being written and will be based on a book I'm co-authoring with Martha Bolton, who is also writing the script for the play."
I recently heard that Wanda's husband was a pastor and has retired from this ministry. What did Wanda enjoy most about being a pastor's wife? As a pastor's wife, did the ladies in their congregation know Wanda was a well-known author and read her books? Did she ever have book clubs with them and discuss her books? 
"While my husband was in the ministry, I enjoyed being able to minister to others in need of counseling or some kind of help. When Richard took his first church, I was not a well-known author but during his second assignment, most everyone in the church knew about my books. Although we did not have a book club, the church did have a library, so I made sure to put each of my new releases on the library shelves."
How long will you continue writing?
"As long as God keeps giving me the ideas and the strength to write, I will keep authoring novels."
I would like to know if Wanda would ever consider coming to a small town in AR? How does someone go about getting her to come?
"I did a few book signings in AR several years ago but have not been back since. All of my signings and speaking requests are done through my publisher."
From what I can find out, there are over 35 Amish communities in Michigan with 86 church districts. Has Wanda ever visited any in Michigan?
"I have done a few book signings in Michigan, but have never visited any of the Amish settlements in that state. I do have an Amish friend who married an Amish man from Clare, Michigan, however.
When your kids were growing up, did you have family dinners together every night?
"Yes, we always ate together."
Have you ever gone to TN or near the Smokies for book signings?
"Yes, I have been to Tennessee a few times for book signings and research."
Is there a season of the year you tend to get more written than other seasons?
"I am busy writing during all four seasons."
 Thank you for Live Chat Wanda. I hope to see you around here. I hope you stop by once in awhile.Thank to the Admin and though Questions from the members of Wanda Cippity Clap Club for these and allowing us to use the Questions into a blog post (Interview post).
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March 25, 2024

Book Review: Would You Rather?

Book Title:
Would You Rather? Book for Kids 8-12: 350 Challenging Questions, Silly Scenarios, and Hilarious Situations
Author: Anna Avelino
Publisher: Independently Published
Publisher Date: 2023 (144, Pages, Paperback)
Genres: Questions, Silly, Fiction, Children, word games
Why settle for a boring day when you can sprinkle it with the magic of laughter?
This fantastic book will turn even the gloomiest day into a sunshine-filled fiesta. It will transport readers to a world of bizarre choices and hilarious scenarios that will have both kids and adults snorting, laughing and debating mind-boggling dilemmas.
Within these pages, you'll find over 350 questions that will challenge kids to make imaginative choices while sparking their creativity and sense of humor. It's a gateway to unforgettable family bonding moments, fun sleepovers and memorable road trips. It's an opportunity to get to know your children in a whole new light.
"Would You Rather Book for Kids 8-12" is a must-have for every family:
  • Provides hours of family-friendly fun that sparks children's creativity and challenges their imagination.
  • Stimulates their decision-making skills and critical thinking.
  • Creates cherished family memories filled with laughter and lighthearted fun.
  • Improves intellectual abilities with brain-teasing questions.
  • Expands children's vocabulary.
  • Gives a host family an easy way to engage young guests.
  • Gives the adults a chance to introduce a new family tradition.
  • Serves as a perfect ice-breaker for big parties and events.
  • Encourages multigenerational engagement.
While the wild and wacky choices are sure to provide side-splitting moments, there is more to this book. These scenarios are not just your average run-of-the-mill queries, this hidden gem has plenty of research behind it. Without even realizing it, kids will learn about other countries and cultures, fun destinations, and historical events. Packed with thought-provoking choices, this book is the boundless playground for curious young minds, the ticket to the galaxy of endless opportunities
Disclaimer: I received this book thought LibaryThing Early Readers for an Honesty Review. It is my own.
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This book is a collection of silly questions that present two options and ask you to choose one. It is structured into ten chapters, and the author provides some questions that are easier to answer.

Children will enjoy this book as they can ask others their responses. The author also includes some ridiculous questions you may or may not want to choose between.

I enjoyed this book and believe it's not just for kids. While some silly questions provoke thought and can lead to exciting discussions with your children. There's also plenty of laughter to be had with this book.

Some questions made me think, and I explained the reasoning behind my choices. Other times, I would explain why I wouldn't choose either option. While there were some questions I liked, there were also some that I wouldn't say I liked either answer for.

This book is perfect for fun holidays and other occasions. If you're having a dull day, you can pick up this book and ask someone around you what they would choose.

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February 18, 2024

Book Review: A Small Case of Murder

Book Title:
A Small Case of Murder
Author: Lauren Carr
Publisher: Independently Published
Publisher Date: 2011-4-26 (324, Pages, Paperback)
Genres: Mystery, Murder Mystery, Fiction, Crime Fiction, Mystery Thriller
Series: Joshua Thornton Mystery #1
A Small Case of Murder is set in the quaint West Virginia town of Chester, where everyone knows everyone, and there is never a secret that someone doesn't know. In such an intimate town, how many suspicious deaths can be left unquestioned?

Following his wife's death, Joshua Thornton leaves a promising career in the U. S. Navy's JAG division to move across country with his five children into his ancestral home. While clearing out the attic they find a letter written to their grandmother postmarked 34 years ago. In the letter Lulu Jefferson wrote "...Remember that dead body we found in the Bosley barn?...I saw him today...I went to talk to the reverend and there was his picture on the wall." What dead body? His interest piqued, Joshua asks about Lulu and finds that in 1970 she died on the same day that she penned the letter implicating the pastor in an unreported murder. There is much more to this story than a 34-year-old letter. It's a 34-year-old mystery Today, a double murder has the whole town under a microscope.

The state attorney general appoints Joshua special prosecutor to solve the crimes. In a small town where gossip flies as swiftly as a spring breeze it is impossible to know who to trust. Asking simple questions about events long ago could prove to be deadly for Joshua and his family. Read this Author Revised Edition of Lauren Carr's debut mystery novel. It's the same GRAND mystery, revised and edited for re-release by the author herself 
Disclaimer: I bought this book myself and this is my own honest review
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We are introduced to Joshua Thornton and his five children in chapter 1. The prologue brings Lulu Jefferson's view and a little bit about his parents. We are also introduced to Tad. There is a catch as Joshua moves his family to his former hometown.

He seems to get caught helping someone who tried to kill his cousin Tad in a church, and it seems to bring more to be involved. All when he goes to the state attorney general. It is more as his murderer with his arrangement and ends up murdered along with Beth Davis.

There is a twist when things get more complicated, and the state attorney general decides to ask or request Joshua to become a Special Prosecutor for the case of Vicki Rawlings and Beth Davis. They think he got the trust of the citizens of his hometown. Will he take the offer, or will he not?

Joshua is working with a police officer and a local reporter. What appears to be one thing is that his children are so like him that they want to join in and protect him. Does Joshua wish to be a dad and raise them, or will he hide from them and not send this child to live with their extended family? How will he decide to deal with the life he was chosen for?

Lauren Carr's Mysteries and stories are good. However, this one is less dense when it starts at the story's beginning. However, the action is improving, with this one being when Joshua and his five children are introduced. They are about school age. This book gets better as it goes along.

This is probably when she was starting to write these kinds of stories. This is their second series, so it has improved dramatically since. I love this one. I only wish I knew more about what happened to Valerie and what caused her to pass away. Then Joshua moved and settled in his hometown with his lovely five children. But other than that, it is a good starter book or series to get into her books, Along with Mac Faraday Mysteries.

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November 29, 2023

On Tour: The Prime Suspect by Lauren Carr with Giveaway

Book Title:
The Prime Suspect
Author: Lauren Carr
Publisher: Independently Published
Publisher Date: 2023-10-26 (538, Pages, Paperback)
Genres: Mystery, Cold Case, Adventure, Murder Mystery,
Series: Sam MacKade PI #1
Two murders with one common denominator. Both victims betrayed Bryce Greyson. How could she not be the prime suspect?

Four years after Bryce’s cheating husband is gunned down, her boyfriend-stealing former roommate’s remains are found buried under a statue at her alma mater.
Declared the prime suspect by both detectives and the media, Bryce has no choice but to hire someone to clear her name.
Enter Sam MacKade, private eye.
To solve two murders, the former police K-9 officer and his canine partners must sift through the clues and the lies to reveal the true prime suspect .
Disclaimer: I received a free Copy from the author for an honest review and Book Tour

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We are presented to primary victims of murder in the prologue, but we do not know their reason as to why they were killed. Then we are introduced to two police officers, and they seem to be focused on one person, and her name is Bryce Greyson.

Why does everyone think she killed not only her husband but also a roommate? People seem to be telling lies or making things to protect themselves. We are also introduced to Sam MacKade and his team.

Bryce wants to clear her name. So she finds out that a young man is with his daughter for soccer tryouts and seems to ask him if he is willing to help her clear her name. There are more secrets than there are clues. Will this PI be able to find the killers and solve the mystery of the murders?

As it seems that Sam is trying to help Bryce with clearing her name, Things seem to get more messy as they continue to investigate her husband's murder. The law enforcement two, in particular, seem to keep thinking that their prime suspect is the one behind all the murders. They seem convinced that Bryce is one and are still trying to fame her and catch her in the act.

Sam and Bryce try to find clues and investigate other witnesses to not only her husband's murder but also Cat's murder. They seem to be hitting close to home as they pick up pieces and find more murders. They find out what happened to Cat when she went missing and murdered.

They seem to have found a new crime going on or connected to the Dermot murder when he was gunned down. Who is the killer, and who wants Bryce killed? Could all the murders be combined into each other, or is there more to it?

Suppose you are a murder mystery fan looking for a good one to bite into. Lauren Carr's books will make you want more once you get reading. This book is no different. Though this one is one exciting book, and I am hooked already. This book is worth picking up and reading to find out who the killer or murderer could be. The plot is thick and has you guessing and wanting to solve the cold case or the murders that went cold.

 Prize: $50 Paypal Ends April 7th, 2023
Selling over half a million books worldwide, Lauren Carr is the international best-selling author of the Mac Faraday, Lovers in Crime, Thorny Rose, Chris Matheson Cold Case Mysteries, and Nikki Bryant Cozy Mysteries—thirty titles across five fast-paced mystery series filled with twists and turns!

Book reviewers and readers alike rave about how Lauren Carr seamlessly crosses genres to include mystery, suspense, crime fiction, police procedurals, romance, and humor.

The owner of Acorn Book Services and iRead Book Tours, Lauren is also a publishing manager, consultant, and virtual book tour coordinator for independent authors.

Lauren is a popular speaker who has made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions.

She lives with her husband, and two spoiled rotten German shepherds on a mountain in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Connect with the Author: website ~ blog ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ twitter ~ pinterest
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