January 29, 2025

Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits

Book Title: The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits
Author: Wanda E. Brunstetter, Martha Bolton
Genres: Mystery, Amish, Romance, Christian, Cozy Mystery,
Publisher: Barbour Books
Publisher Date: 1/1/25 (256 Pages, Paperback)
Why Are Baking Contestants Disappearing?
Mysteries have a way of following Fannie Miller, so when she makes it into the finals of the Tuscarawas County Baking Contest and contestants start disappearing, she calls on her old friend Foster Bates, a retired cop and part-time private investigator. Could it be that other finalists are somehow responsible for these disappearances, thinning out the competition? Like the couple on verge of divorce who need the prize money, or the three Beiler sisters, always in a huddle whispering. One thing is for certain—Foster and Fannie will stay on the case until the end, and everyone involved will have learned something important about baking contests, solving mysteries, and life.
New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter and Emmy-Nominated Author Martha Bolton have teamed up to deliver a delightful whodunit from Ohio’s Amish country
Disclaimer: I received a copy free though Wanda's Book Club for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own.
Want To Buy: Amazon | BH Publishing Group | Lifeway |
Add To: Goodreads

I started this book and am so far in—it's just getting started. I have already met three of the characters, and I can not wait to see what happens to all of them. 

It looks like one of the Bailer sisters is after Mr.Bates. But Mr. Bates seems to like and enjoy Miss Fannie. He seems not to be interested in a certain Belier sister. Miss Fannie is quite excited about the baking contest and enters it every year. Will she win it this year? She seems excited once more, given that she wants to advertise it in her area and around the other towns to help bring folks to enter and enjoy the contest.

We get introduced to a few more characters, one of which is Melissa. Iva seems worried and isn't sure if she can tell Fannie her worries, though she comes in to get sewing supplies. What's up with Iva and her family? What was Melissa doing, and was she checking on contestants to enter the baking contest?

We get more interesting, and there are twists and turns. Will Mr. Bates and Frannie solve the missing connections or even the red envelope mystery? There seems to be a bit of romance, or is it friendship between Foster and Fannie? What is really going on that Foster and Fannie can not seem to find all the missing contestants? Where did that all go? Was there foul play, or did they just forget to when the loss?

Will Jeb get his attention from his dad, or will he be ignored? All contestants learn a few lessons along the way. However, they are all different for each one. The authors do an excellent writing job, making this so much fun to read, and you want to turn the pages as you read.
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January 24, 2025

Book Spotlight: The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits

Book Title: The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits
Author: Wanda E. Brunstetter, Martha Bolton
Genres: Amish, Amish Fiction, Mystery, Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Barbour Books
Publisher Date: January 1, 2025 (256 Pages, Paperback)
Why Are Baking Contestants Disappearing?
Mysteries have a way of following Fannie Miller, so when she makes it into the finals of the Tuscarawas County Baking Contest and contestants start disappearing, she calls on her old friend Foster Bates, a retired cop and part-time private investigator. Could it be that other finalists are somehow responsible for these disappearances, thinning out the competition? Like the couple on verge of divorce who need the prize money, or the three Beiler sisters, always in a huddle whispering. One thing is for certain—Foster and Fannie will stay on the case until the end, and everyone involved will have learned something important about baking contests, solving mysteries, and life.
New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter and Emmy-Nominated Author Martha Bolton have teamed up to deliver a delightful whodunit from Ohio’s Amish country
Declaimer: I received this book from the publisher and from my book group. My opinions of this book are my own.
I have wrote two author spotlights for this book. One by Martha Bolton and one by Wanda E. Brunstetter. Here you can read those Author spotlight and get some information on the play that will be taking place in PA and Indiana. Check out Martha Bolton Author Spotlight and Wanda E. Brunstetter Author Spotlight.

Here is the ticket information for the play in Lancaster Pa or Indiana in case you want to go and plan for it. Lancaster Pa is playing "The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits" during April 3, though August 2, 2025, Indiana is playing "The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits" during July though October 2025.

Want to Buy: Amazon
Add To: Goodreads
Check out here many other Books: Wanda Books and Cookbooks

Amish Country's Most Beloved Storyteller

New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter is one of the founders of the Amish fiction genre. With over 12 million copies sold, Wanda's stories consistently earn spots on the nation's most prestigious bestseller lists and receive numerous awards.

When Wanda visits her Amish friends, she finds herself drawn to their peaceful lifestyle, sincerity, and family ties. She and her husband, Richard, have been blessed with two grown children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

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Author Spotlight: Wanda Brunstetter

Let welcome to our latest and newest member to our list of authors. Let welcome Wanda Brunstetter to Nighttime Reading Center again. She here on to spread her lastest book "The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits" written with Martha Bolton and also for a Author Spotlight. I am a member of  Wanda's Clippity Clop Club.

I have a chance to read her book "The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits ". I am currently reading this book and i am just started so not far in. This book is being a adapter into a Musical play and will be playing in Lancaster Pa, in Bird In Hand area during April 2025 and in Indiana July 2025. Here is the Information for details and tickets.. Let read her Bio and then go to her interview. #Interviews, #Interviewsaroundtheglobe, #NRC,


Why Are Baking Contestants Disappearing?

Mysteries have a way of following Fannie Miller, so when she makes it into the finals of the Tuscarawas County Baking Contest and contestants start disappearing, she calls on her old friend Foster Bates, a retired cop and part-time private investigator. Could it be that other finalists—like the couple on verge of divorce who need the prize money. . .or the three Beiler sisters, always in a huddle whispering—are somehow responsible for these disappearances, thinning out the competition? One thing is certain—Foster and Fannie will stay on the case until the end, and everyone involved will learn something important about baking contests, mystery solving, and life.

New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter and Emmy-Nominated Author Martha Bolton have teamed up to deliver a delightful whodunit from Ohio's Amish country.

Wanda E. Brunstetter

Wanda with Nicholas Sparks

Wanda with the cast of Half-Stitched the Musical

Wanda with the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Award

We have several new Club members joining us this year. Would you be able to give a brief summary of your writing career and its highlights for you?

began writing when I was a child. I loved to read ad began writing poems and short stories. As an adult, after taking my first writing course, I began writing fiction stories and non-fiction articles for publication. Following another writing course, I submitted my first novel to Barbour Publishing for their Heartsong Presents Book Club. After publishing several more Heartsongs, Barbour opened up their trade fiction line. I submitted a 3-book series entitled, Daughters of Lancaster County that was about the kidnapping of an Amish baby. It sold well and made the New York Times Best-seller’s List soon after it came out. The rest is pretty much history, and I’ve been writing for Barbour Publishing exclusively for nearly 30 years. One of the highlights in my writing career has been seeing two of my books turned into musical plays, with a third play opening soon, based on my co-authored novel, The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits. The new musical will open this spring in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, and again in July at the Blue Gate Theatre in Shipshewana, Indiana.
Who have been some memorable people you have met over your writing career?
It’s been a thrill for me to meet many authors, but three in particular made an impact on me by their humble attitudes and obvious love for people. Among them are Janette Oke, Karen Kingsbury, and Nicholas Sparks. Although Nicholas does not write inspirational fiction, the fact that he was willing to spend thirty minutes visiting with me and answering several of my questions meant a lot and spoke volumes. One thing I came away with after meeting him was the fact that he genuinely cares about his family as well as those who read his books, and even people like me whom he’d never met until our paths crossed during an author signing event where he was the keynote speaker. Janette Oke and Karen Kingsbury also took the time to visit with me, and after just a few minutes of talking to them, I knew we were kindred spirits, who not only have a passion for writing, but care deeply about the people who read our novels.
When Martha Bolton approached you about writing The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits, you were on an extremely busy writing schedule. What made this project so special that you wanted to fit it in?
First of all, I was excited to hear that Martha wanted Fannie Miller to be one of the leading characters. Since I had created Fannie in my novel, The Quilter’s Daughter, and she’d been included in the musical called “Stolen,” I thought it would be fun to reprise her character in a new storyline. I was also pleased to learn that The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie’s Biscuits would become a musical play.
Besides the Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits, you had other books adapted to musicals (Stolen and Half-Stitched). Can you describe what that process has been like for you?
Although I was not involved in the actual process of creating the musical plays, I was in correspondence with those who were involved in creating the musical, either before, during, or after the play was written. I also had the privilege of attending the opening of Half-Stitched and Stolen and got to meet many of my readers while signing the book I’d written.
What do you hope readers gain from The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits?
In addition to the enjoyment of a cute, cozy mystery, I hope readers will find encouragement from the verses of Scripture that are scattered throughout the book and were also an inspiration to the characters who had been dealing with various problems. There are lots of scenarios in the book similar to things we all face in our daily lives.
You broke your arm while on a book tour last summer. Can you give an update for your readers?
On July 31st during a family reunion in Pennsylvania, I fell and broke my left arm. This was just a few days before my signing tour was supposed to begin. Although I was not able to attend any of those signings, my daughter, Lorine, and daughter-in-law, Jean, who were also on the trip, went to each of the signings in my place. Since our Sisters by the Sea novella collection was available at the events, in which Jean and Lorine had both written a story, they had the opportunity to meet several of my readers and sign copies of that book. For the rest of my books that were available at the signings, they had autographed sticker labels previously signed by me to peel and stick inside each book that was purchased or brought in by readers. Although I felt bad about not being able to be at any of those signings, it was a comfort to know that Lorine and Jean were there to greet my readers, as well as the ones who had read their stories. We remained in Pennsylvania almost two weeks, while I was treated for my injury at an acute rehab center in preparation of the flight home to Washington State. For the kind of break I had, I was given a brace to wear, rather than a cast. It was uncomfortable due to the break and all the swelling that went with it, and I didn’t do well on most of the pills they gave me for pain. When I returned home and saw an orthopedic doctor in the area, I was told that I would need to wear the brace a minimum of 8 weeks. It turned out to be 10 weeks before he would allow me to take it off. Even then, he cautioned me to be careful and said it would be best if I wore the brace whenever I was away from home. Later, after another x-ray of the arm, I was informed that the broken bone had stopped healing and would need some help. So, I began using a bone stimulator for 30 minutes per day and was told that I would probably need to do this for the next 4-6 months. A few weeks after using the stimulator, I had another x-ray and learned that the bone was starting to heal again. I could finally go to out-patient therapy, where the therapist would be allowed to work on the upper portion of my arm. By this time, 5 months after the fall, I had lost a good deal of the range of motion in my left arm. I am able to type, (praise the Lord!), cook, and do some simple chores, but am not supposed to pick up anything heavy. Today I went to therapy for the 2nd time, and will be seen twice weekly for the next 3 months, or possibly more. My goal, and my prayer, is to regain full use of my left arm and get complete range of motion back.
What Bible verse have you been especially drawn to lately?
Proverbs 17:22 (NKJV) is one of my favorite verses: “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.” Over the last two years, beginning with my daughter’s stroke, our family has been faced with one challenge after another. So, looking for things to be joyous about has been an important help in dealing with the issues we’ve faced, and quoting that verse of Scripture regularly has been extremely helpful to me. 
What do you hope readers gain from The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits?
First and foremost, I hope they enjoy reading the book. Sometimes in life we all just need to sit down and enjoy some laughter and a good escape. We hope this book does that for people. But there are also lessons to by learned by the characters, and we hope that, along with the scriptures they represent, will be a help and comfort to people too. And I certainly hope there are more Fannie and Foster mysteries to come. I'm game if Wanda is! We'll all try not to break any bones next time, though.
Besides your website at www.wandabrunstetter.com, where can readers find you online?
You can also find me on Facebook, where I have a fan page and a friend page; Instagram, Pinterest; YouTube, and X (formerly Twitter)
 Thank you for Author Spotlight Wanda. I hope to see you around here. I hope you stop by once in awhile.Thank to the Admin and though Questions for us Members of  Wanda Cippity Clap Club for these and allowing us to use the Questions into a blog post (Author Spotlight Post).
Please read my NRC Policies Page

January 14, 2025

Author Spotlight: Martha Bolton

Let welcome to our latest and newest member to our list of authors. Let welcome Martha Bolton to Nighttime Reading Center. She here on to spread her lastest book "The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits" written with Wanda Brunstetter and also for a Author Spotlight. I am a member of  Wanda's Clippity Clop Club.

I have a chance to read her book "The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits ". I am currently reading this book and i am just started so not far in. This book is being a adapter into a Musical play and will be playing in Lancaster Pa, in Bird In Hand area during April 2025 and in Indiana July 2025. Here is the Information for details and tickets..
Let read her Bio and then go to her interview. #Interviews, #Interviewsaroundtheglobe, #NRC,


Why Are Baking Contestants Disappearing?

Mysteries have a way of following Fannie Miller, so when she makes it into the finals of the Tuscarawas County Baking Contest and contestants start disappearing, she calls on her old friend Foster Bates, a retired cop and part-time private investigator. Could it be that other finalists—like the couple on verge of divorce who need the prize money. . .or the three Beiler sisters, always in a huddle whispering—are somehow responsible for these disappearances, thinning out the competition? One thing is certain—Foster and Fannie will stay on the case until the end, and everyone involved will learn something important about baking contests, mystery solving, and life.

New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter and Emmy-Nominated Author Martha Bolton have teamed up to deliver a delightful whodunit from Ohio's Amish country.

Learn more and to find out more about Martha Bolton: Her website: marthabolton.com | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marthaboltonofficial

Can you give a brief summary of your writing career? What are some of your favorite aspects of writing?

My favorite aspect of writing is in the process. Even though it is a lot of work, I have never tired of it. I love getting new ideas and then knowing when it's time for that idea to start flourishing. You just know the moment when it's all going to come together. After that, it's about polishing, adding humor and heartfelt moments, and whatever else comes across your mind. You cut what's not working, add more of what is, and keep on going until you reach the end.

As far as a summary of my career: I was a church secretary who had a pastor who suggested I write a play. One sentence and I thought, "Yeah, why not? I'll give it a try." I also grew up absolutely loving humor and playing around with words. I studied comedians and got the opportunity to write for Phyllis Diller and other comedians. Ultimately, I went on staff with Bob Hope, becoming his first woman staff writer, and wrote his television specials, military shows, and personal appearances. I was with him for fifteen years, cowriting the book, Dear Bob... Bob Hope's Wartime Correspondence with the GIs of WW2, with his daughter and producer, Linda Hope. 
You mentioned working with Bob Hope but also said meeting Ronald Reagan was a memorable experience for you. Can you describe that event?
My husband and I attended Bob Hope's 90th birthday party, and he (Ronald Reagan) was also invited. When I saw that Ronald Reagan was walking just a bit ahead of us, I got the courage to ask if he'd take a photo with me. We posed for the photo, my husband snapped the photo, but the flash didn't go off. Disappointed, I thanked him and was ready to move along. But he said, "Would you like to try it again?" Well, of course I did. So, we posed again, my husband snapped the photo again, but the flash didn't go off again. The following day, I took the film in to be developed, hoping and praying that something came out. But it was just a black negative. But, I went ahead and got it developed and enlarged, and I framed it and hung it on my wall because I KNOW it's me and Ronald Reagan! I was telling that story in a speech, and afterwards a man came up to me and asked, "So did you ever get that picture?" I said, "No, I had my two chances and I blew it." Then, he handed me his card. It was Michael Reagan, the president's son. The following week, I got a call from the president's office inviting me and my entire family to his office to have our photos taken with him. He was such a gracious man! I cherish that fun memory!
How did you end up working on scripts for plays?
I actually wrote my first play adaptation in elementary school as an assignment and loved the process. Then, I wrote church plays which we produced every Christmas and Easter, large pageants, as well as dramatic plays centered around various themes. Humor was always a major part of the presentations. I continued playwriting even while working on staff as Bob Hope's first woman staff writer. So, the stage has always been part of my life. I love seeing stories come to life through the talents of the actors, directors, set designers, sound directors, and everyone else involved in the process!
What led you to working with Wanda Brunstetter?
I had worked with Wanda before with the adaptation of her Daughters of Lancaster County series. This became the musical, Stolen, where I first introduced detective Foster Bates. Fannie, who had the added element of being avid Amish mystery reader and perceived herself as an amateur sleuth played beautifully with Foster's reluctancy to get involved in much of anything since retiring from the Chicago Police Department. Bringing these two back for another mystery seemed like a fun thing for us to do!
Can you describe the process of working with Wanda on The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits, and how that ended up becoming a musical?
Because Fannie (Wanda's creation) and Foster (a character I created) were such fun to work with in the musical Stolen, I wanted to write another mystery involving these two offbeat mystery sleuths. I approached Wanda and asked if she would be interested in writing a novel together that would accompany the musical. She was on deadline for another book (I believe more than one), but she said it sounded like fun, and she would make room. She obtained permission from her publisher, and we started writing. And Wanda's instincts were right, it was a lot of fun! We so appreciate all the kind comments from readers and are happy that they are enjoying these two quirky characters (and the rest of the contestants and supporting characters as much as we did!) The musical will be opening in both Indiana and Pennsylvania. If you plan on being in the area, I highly recommend seeing it. It's going to be a lot of fun, with fantastic actors, original songs, and plenty of twists and turns! Another element that I should throw in is that during our writing process, Wanda broke her humerus bone and shoulder. So she indeed suffered for her art. One interesting thing about that is that I had broken my humerus bone several years ago, and our editor had also broken hers! So, here we were three people writing humor, and we all had broken humerus bones!
Did you adapt the Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits novel into the script for the musical? How were the musical elements added to the script?
Yes. It's always a challenge working the story elements into a stage production because you only have so much time and less players to work with. Also, their entrances and exits have to support their stage time availability, keep the story and pacing flowing, and everything needs to build to a good climax and satisfying ending. That's a challenge with any production. I also wrote many of the song lyrics that you will hear in the musical and enjoyed that aspect of the writing process. One the musical was written, then I worked closely with director Monica DePaul and Dramaturg Bobby Hall. for fine-tuning the above elements. A few things will be different than what is in the book, for staging purposes, but I'm very excited to see the finished production.
Will you be at any of the premier showings of The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits musical?
The play runs at the Bird in Hand Theater (Lancaster, PA) from April 3-August 2, 2025, and at The Blue Gate Theater (Shipshewana, IN) from July 1 - October 25, 2025. Wanda and I both will be autographing April 3 (7pm) and April 4 (1pm) at the musical opening, and at the Shady Maple in East Earl, PA on April 5th from 12-2pm. We will also be at the opening of the play in Shipshewana, IN on July 1, 2025 autographing books. 
What do you hope readers gain from The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannie's Biscuits?
First and foremost, I hope they enjoy reading the book. Sometimes in life we all just need to sit down and enjoy some laughter and a good escape. We hope this book does that for people. But there are also lessons to by learned by the characters, and we hope that, along with the scriptures they represent, will be a help and comfort to people too. And I certainly hope there are more Fannie and Foster mysteries to come. I'm game if Wanda is! We'll all try not to break any bones next time, though.

What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
It's hard to narrow them down to one, so if you'll forgive me, I will mention two of my favorites. Proverbs 15:15b KJV which says, "...he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast." And Jeremiah 29:11 KJV: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
Where can readers find you online?
My website: marthabolton.com and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marthaboltonofficial
 Thank you for Author Spotlight Martha. I hope to see you around here. I hope you stop by once in awhile.Thank to the Admin and though Questions for us Members of  Wanda Cippity Clap Club for these and allowing us to use the Questions into a blog post (Author Spotlight Post).
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December 26, 2024

Book Spotlight: Wanda E. Brunstetter's Amish Friends Comfort Foods Cookbook: More Than 200 Recipes That Taste Like Home and Love

Book Title:
Wanda E. Brunstetter's Amish Friends Comfort Foods Cookbook
Author: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Genres: Amish, Amish Fiction, Cookbook,
Publisher: Barbour Books
Publisher Date: Nov, 2024 (224 Pages, Paperback)

New, from
New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, is a must-have cookbook that delivers food for comfort and joy.

Why do we turn to food when our emotions are on a rollercoaster? Why do things like mac and cheese or chocolate chip cookies bring us comfort? Well, this book won’t answer those psychological questions, but it will deliver foods that help you through a bad day or add to a celebration. Brand new from
New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, is a new must-have cookbook from Amish and Mennonite cooks. Featuring over 270 recipes divided into traditional categories—from main dishes and sides to desserts and snacks—this lovely book is encased in a lay-flat binding and presented in full color.
Declaimer: I received permission to talk about this cookbook from the publisher for an honest spotlight and from book club I am in to spread the word of the book. My opinions of this book are my own.

Here is what the book will look like when you get it. I got many different recipes. There are many to choose from. I have not done this cookbook as of yet or used it. I have used and tried many of the the other Cookbooks by Wanda. I can say they all come mad this way. This one I would love to try.

Some of the scriptures in the book are inspiring and enjoyable to read. I know we have used a few of the other cookbooks I have received. Some of the recipes have been made for different holidays and get together. I believe mom as even created some recipes for other events as well.

The images are credited to the publisher Barbour Books. I really believe the these cookbooks are great to have and are a wonderful gift of any cook. The pricing is not bad either.

Want to Buy: Amazon
Add To: Goodreads
Check out here many other Books: Wanda Books and Cookbooks

Amish Country's Most Beloved Storyteller

New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter is one of the founders of the Amish fiction genre. With over 12 million copies sold, Wanda's stories consistently earn spots on the nation's most prestigious bestseller lists and receive numerous awards.

When Wanda visits her Amish friends, she finds herself drawn to their peaceful lifestyle, sincerity, and family ties. She and her husband, Richard, have been blessed with two grown children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

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August 15, 2024

Book Review: Saved by The Matchmaker

Book Title:
Saved By the Matchmaker
Author: Jody Hedlund
Publisher: Bethany House.
Publisher Date: 2024-8-6 (352, Pages, E-book)
Genres: Historical Fiction, Romance, Christian Fiction
Series: A Shanahan Match # 2
After her annulment is finalized, Enya Shanahan finds herself caught in a web of scandal and obligation while carrying a secret that threatens to shatter her family's reputation. Determined to find a suitable marriage for Enya, her father turns to a wily matchmaker to save them from their circumstances.

Sullivan O'Brien, a steamboat captain committed to aiding enslaved people on their path to freedom, is faced with an ultimatum from his father. Forced to marry or lose his livelihood, a marriage of convenience seems to be the only solution. As he and Enya face the trials of their pasts and a city consumed by fire, they must confront their deepest fears and learn to trust in love, even when darkness threatens to engulf them.
Disclaimer: I received this book from LibraryThing Early Readers and this is my own honest review.
Want To Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bam | Bookbub |
Add To: Goodreads
Upon discovering this book, I was immediately drawn to its description. I have a penchant for history, especially when it's presented in a way that's not overly serious but still retains a hint of fiction. Having enjoyed the author's previous works, I was eager to delve into Saved by Matchmaker, fully anticipating the same level of personal enjoyment from her unique writing style that I've experienced before.

It is the way it starts, and we meet a daughter named Enya, her father, and her brother. However, when Enya mentions that she is holding a secret that will harm her family's reputation, things get pulled into action when her brother rushes to meet the matchmaker named Bellemy.

We are also introduced to Sullivan O'Brien and his livelihood. Will Sullivan take his father's ultimatum and lose his life? Will I love Enya, and will they indeed find love with each other? Will Enya learn to trust Sullivan, or will she fall back when she compares her new husband to Brian? Will he overcome her trust issues and fall in love with Sullivan?

We see that Sullivan loves to free enslaved people, but will the enslaved person catch him captured? Enya seems to see and want to help her husband, or she has found an enslaved person while on her way back from New Orleans.

There was a fire that caused some boats to be lost. But will Sullivan save him and the enslaved person, or will he be lost to see when he daringly moves to have his boat floating away from other boats? Will he help save another boat so the fire does not spread, or was it someone who started fires? Was it an act of nature?

What does the matchmaker see in Enya? Why does he think Sullivan is a good match for Enya? There seems to be something Belmy sees in Enya, and she is able to see Sullivan as a match. Will it work? Belmy appears to have a knack for matchmaking to have them marry and fall in love.

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