Let welcome to our latest and newest member to our list of authors. Let welcome Mark JG Fahey to Nighttime Reading Center. He here on a book tour. He is stopping by here on January 26, 2018. I work with +Laura Fabiani iRead Book Tours and I happy learn about her book and giveaway.
Let read his Bio and then go to his interview. #Interviews, #Interviewsaroundtheglobe, #NRC, #Giveaways, #bookreview, #HalleysCasino, #MarkJGFahey, #giveaway, #cyber, @jg_fahey, @iReadBookTours
Mark JG Fahey is not an alien, contrary to what you may have heard, though he swears he has been to space. Mark has dabbled in various undertakings throughout his illustrious career, from on-air hosting/reporter/stand-up comic to messenger for the Prime Minister of Canada. Mark also holds a degree in Restaurant Services. His family and friends can attest to his excellent cooking skills. Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Mark was raised and still resides in Aylmer, Quebec, Canada. Halley's Casino is the first book in the Halley's Casino trilogy.
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I got the chance to read his book "Halley's Casino". I enjoy the book. I would suggest that you read my review for "Halley's Casino". You got a chance to win a - Prizes: Win a copy of Halley’s Casino by Mark JG Fahey (open to USA and CAN / choice of print or ebook) 5 winners total (ends Feb 3). Enter his giveaway Halley's Casino.
Let read his Bio and then go to his interview. #Interviews, #Interviewsaroundtheglobe, #NRC, #Giveaways, #bookreview, #HalleysCasino, #MarkJGFahey, #giveaway, #cyber, @jg_fahey, @iReadBookTours

Mark JG Fahey is not an alien, contrary to what you may have heard, though he swears he has been to space. Mark has dabbled in various undertakings throughout his illustrious career, from on-air hosting/reporter/stand-up comic to messenger for the Prime Minister of Canada. Mark also holds a degree in Restaurant Services. His family and friends can attest to his excellent cooking skills. Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Mark was raised and still resides in Aylmer, Quebec, Canada. Halley's Casino is the first book in the Halley's Casino trilogy.
Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram

Describe your book in 20 words or less
Fun and witty!
Where or how did you come up with the idea for your story?
Always had a love for Halley's Comet, it sprang and grew from there.
How important are names to you in your book(s)?
VERY! One is named after my Mom's nickname (thanks Mom) she got a kick out of that
Without giving to much away.
A semordnilap (itself a semordnilap of “palindromes”) makes a completely different word
when spelled backwards ( spoilers)
Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning?
Yes. Example the lead character's name is Nebula (Neb) Yorker based on New York.
Do you use any resources in assisting you to choose the names?
Yes ( more spoilers)
Which of your characters (in this book) is your favorite and Why?
John Lennon. If I told you it would ruin it for you :-) (dam spoilers)
Was there a certain scene in this book that was harder for you to write than others?
Not really it was just making sure all the threads connected.
If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?
Wow I have thought of that, really hard to say.
Andrew Garfield as Nebula Yorker ?
Derek Jacobi as Archibald Tict ?
Angela Bassett as TeeceeFore ?
What was your favorite part to write and why?
Time traveling back to ancient Rome. Just love ancient Rome!
Just as your book(s) inspire authors, what authors have inspired you to write?
To many to name but Douglas Adams comes to mind, Timothy Findlay, Neil Peart to name a few.
What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
Don't give up. Write for YOU and not for any fame or fortune
Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad?
Yes good or bad. Have not respond to any good or bad, though the good thus far outweighs the bad.
Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?
LOL Just let it fall of like water and get on with it.
What are you working on now?
Working on the 3rd book of the Halley's Casino trilogy Return Trip - Halley's casino III
Marine - Halley's Casino II is also now available planet wide.
What is your next project?
I have 3 other projects mapped out though not in the Sci fi gendered but sci fi
is never that far far away... :-)

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