Author: Rebecca Massey
Genre: Children, American History, Animals, Fiction, Picture Book, Historical Fiction, Dragons, Time Travel
Series: Colton's Time Machine (Book 3)
Publisher: Hancock Press
Publisher date: May 15, 2019 (62 Pages, Paperback)
As Colton was going to sit down, he looked at the map on the wall. "That's it! I'm going to visit Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams from our first visit, when we sat in on the making of the 'Declaration of Independence.'" He sat down in the chair, picked up the history book, and flipped through the pages until he found 'Thomas Jefferson. He read his biography then said, "We have a lot in common, he's an inventor like me." Then, he turned some more pages until he found John Adams. "Lets see: Adams was a farmer, lawyer and he spent several years in France. I bet he has some freat stories to tell us." Then,he turned the page to Benjamin Franklin, who was another inventory and few a kite in an electrical storm. Colton got up and went over to the map on the wall. he traded the green pins for red ones and put green ones on Charlottesville, Virginia, for Thomas Jefferson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for John Adams, and another on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for Benjamin Franklin. Then he left the tree house and went into his house for the night.
Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher for an honest review.
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Are you a history fan? Do you want a fun and enjoyable way to teach history lessons to your children or even your students? Well, Colton's Time Machine will help you with this. I have read and checked out "Colton's Time Machine: Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin" by Rebecca Massey.
Colton and his friends go on adventures to meet three historical figures. Each one is detailed and done well. Children will learn a bit of history about Thomas Jefferson, John Adam, and Benjamin Franklin. The way Colton deals with some of the antics the dragons do. It is enjoyable and teachable to any child or children. Children will be smiling and learning history lessons through the book; Not all but some American critical historical events.
Each chapter is separated for each prominent historical figure. The pictures are bright and fun to look at. It seems like Colton is teaching some dragons about sharing and asking to use things. There seem to be some life lessons through the book as well as some history.
Teachers and parents alike will want to add this series to their classroom or even their child or children's bookshelves. This series is a spin-off to Colton's Pocket Dragons. Suitable for children to learn about American history and the importance of democracy.
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