Author: Judy Martialay
Genres: Learning, Educational, French, Cultural, Children, Nonfiction
Publisher: BookBaby
Publish Date: October 31, 2017 (40 Pages, Paperback)
Disclaimer: I received this book free from Books for Review for an honesty review and the author sent me a copy.
Description: Bonjour! Let’s Learn French gives children roughly 6-10 an early and fun introduction to French. Kids board Pete the Pilot’s magic airplane en route to France. On board, they learn their first French words and phrases. In France, they meet Louis, l’escargot and his friends, and follow their adventure while learning French and absorbing the culture. The French words and exp

Every want to learn a new language but it a bit hard to learn and remember. Well then this book is good for you and your family if they want to learn French. The book is called “Bonjour! Let Learn French” is a good beginner book for children and adults that have a hard time learning French.
You will lean some words in French like the days of week and Colors. It more of story with a learning guide to learn some words in French. You will learn “My Name is” in friend. You can act out skit in French with a friend or friends. You will also learn some words that goes along with beach and learning a boy and girl in French.
Think is really good to have on your child bookshelves or even in your child school so that they can learn new words and a new languages. It good for though that are going on trip and to have for your child or children learning the words while on a plane or in the car. Maybe your parent that want all kinds of educational books for your child or children. This book is good for that as well.
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