Author: Colleen Coble
Genres: Romance, Mystery, Contemporary, Christian, Christian Fiction, Suspense, Fiction
Series: Sunset Cove #1Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publish Date: 2015-04-14 (336 Pages, Paperback)
Description: Claire’s visit to a luxury hotel in Maine awakens repressed memories, threatening all she holds dear.
In 1989, Claire Dellamare disappeared from her own fourth birthday party at the Hotel Tourmaline on the island of Folly Shoals, Maine. She showed up a year later at the same hotel, with a note pinned to her dress but no explanation. Nobody knows where Claire spent that year—and until now, Claire didn’t even know she had ever been missing.
But when Claire returns to the Hotel Tourmaline for a business meeting with her CEO father, disturbing memories begin to surface . . . despite her parents’ best efforts to keep them forgotten.
Luke Rocco lost his mother under equally mysterious circumstances—at the same time Claire disappeared. After a chance encounter reveals the unlikely link between them, Claire and Luke set out together to uncover the truth about what happened that fateful year.
With flashbacks swimming just beneath her consciousness and a murderer threatening her safety, Claire’s very life depends on unscrambling her past . . . even if her family refuses to acknowledge it. Someone—maybe everyone—is hiding something from Claire Dellamare, and it will cost her everything to drag the truth out into the light.

I would say this book is really a good read. It sure has the mystery element to it. We learn the mysteries throughout the book. It more of a thriller and mystery combination.
There are crime and detective going on as well in this story plot. Claire returns to the Inn at the Ocean Edge and things start to happen to her. Is she the real Claire Delmore?
There seems to be a cover-up story or is Harry Delmore hiding something from his daughter? Her grandmother also is acting strange when Claire starts wondering and questing about herself.
We also meet Luke Rocco and his sister. He thinks that Claire had disappeared around the same time his mother disappeared. Is there a connection between the two?
Colleen does tell a story that will make hungry for more. The plot is written well. The characters are developed and show their personalities. This book a cannot put down the book once you get into the action.
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