Looking for some wonderful books that will teach your child or children. Here are six books that are books I believe you might want to read before your child goes back to school. Some Books to think about picking up for your child or children. They are some good Back to School Books. Great for Classrooms and bookshelves
During a Pandemic
Through words and pictures, author Ashley Perrotti and illustrator Fazal Nabbie offer insight into what the pandemic means now and in the near future. It communicates the message that the most important part of life is family.
Want to buy: Amazon | Author Website | Mascot Books
Check out My Review: During a Pandemic Colton's Time Machine: Jefferson, Adams, Franklin
As Colton was going to sit down, he looked at the map on the wall. "That's it! I'm going to visit Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams from our first visit, when we sat in on the making of the 'Declaration of Independence.'" He sat down in the chair, picked up the history book, and flipped through the pages until he found 'Thomas Jefferson. He read his biography then said, "We have a lot in common, he's an inventor like me." Then, he turned some more pages until he found John Adams. "Lets see: Adams was a farmer, lawyer and he spent several years in France. I bet he has some freat stories to tell us." Then,he turned the page to Benjamin Franklin, who was another inventory and few a kite in an electrical storm. Colton got up and went over to the map on the wall. he traded the green pins for red ones and put green ones on Charlottesville, Virginia, for Thomas Jefferson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for John Adams, and another on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for Benjamin Franklin. Then he left the tree house and went into his house for the night.
Want to buy: Amazon | Author Website | Barnes & Noble
Check out My Review: Colton's Time Machine: Jefferson, Adams, Franklin
Bottle and Stick

Want to buy: Amazon | Author Website | Mascot Books
Check out My Review: Bottle and Stick
Giving Hope: A Child's Journey Through a Pandemic
Life was busy, exciting, normal - until, with one phone call, everything
changed. Everything was cancelled and shut down until further notice.
While navigating the stay-at-home order during the pandemic, many
different emotions were felt. This story is told through a child's
journal entries that demonstrate many of these emotions. What begins
with worry and frustration evolves, with this story showing how one
child learned ways to give hope even when things seemed hopeless.The World Famous ABCs
Want to buy: Amazon | Author Website | Mascot Books
Check out My Review: Giving Hope: A Child's Journey Through a PandemicThe World Famous ABCs
Rhymes have always been a fun way for children to learn and discover. The rhymes you find in this ABC rhyming book and the illustrations are sure to put a smile on your child's face. We purposefully made the illustrations multi cultural and we think it will benefit all our kids to see and respect other cultures. We are certain you will go back and read it time and again. As a bonus, each page contains several objects that will help your child practice their words and pronunciation as well. This is the first book in our rhyming series and we hope you enjoy it.
Want to buy: Amazon | Author Website | Mascot Books
This book is a celebration of everything autumn. We have included bright autumn colors on every page. We believe the rhymes on each page will help your child develop a love for reading. Each year when the autumn season rolls around, we hope you pull out this book and give it a read to celebrate all that the season is.
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