I have a chance to read her book "Let's Talk! A story of Autism and Friendship". It on my TBR List. I hope to read it during Autism Awareness month. I love supporting this cause as it something I have and now some people with Autism. You got a chance to win a - Prizes: Win an Print copy of Let's Talk by Lisa Jacovsky (6 winners - open US Only). Enter her giveaway Let's Talk! (A Story of Autism and Friendship) Giveaway
Let read her Bio and then go to her interview. #Interviews, #Interviewsaroundtheglobe, #NRC, #Giveaways, #bookspotlight, #kids, #mystery, #ausism, #picturebooks, @booksbylisajacovsky and @iReadBookTours
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A story of strength and inspiration mixed in with childlike wonder at discovering the zoo and animals.
Where or how did you come up with the idea for your story?
I was inspired by my job and actually a client I had been working with at the time. The clients mom told me of their day at the park and how interacting with another child had gone pretty well but it was difficult for my client to understand how to really play on the swing. This had been a recurring thing with my clients that interactions with other children that are neurotypical could be positive or difficult. I thought it would be a great idea to show families that our children can break down those barriers and find a way to play. Also, this family put my client into every activity. I loved that and thought it would be great to show this in my book so families with little ones with Autism realize they are not limited at all. I thought that using my passion and the platform of a children’s book would be an amazing way to show our families how amazing our children with Autism are. I decided to use the pool because it is something I love to this day and how I grew up; going to my pool every summer. This made it easy to decide on the themes for each book by using an activity that has a meaning to me.
How important are names to you in your book(s)? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you use any resources in assisting you to choose the names?
For me I wanted the two main characters to be names I liked but not names I would use for my future children so I can separate the two. I also wanted to honor family members that I’m very close with or have passed by putting their names with supporting characters like Emma’s mom or a new friend they meet in book two. For me symbolism plays a large role in my life and it was kind of an easy thing to decide I would family members for names of characters in the book this way.
Which of your characters (in this book) is your favorite and Why?
If I had to choose it would be Harper. I love her because she does not allow anything stand her way. She is a kid, but she Is strong and determined. Even before knowing Emma had Autism and could not speak, she played with her anyways. I think that is really inspiring and says a lot about the innocence of children and how open they can be to others that are different. I think she can teach not only other children but families to really trust their kids and allow them to be more strong and not limited.
Was there a certain scene in this book that was harder for you to write than others?
I don’t think there was a scene that was hard to write but more of finding the right words to describe a scene for an illustration. I had trouble getting my idea across at first my amazing illustrator really was patient and got it perfect.
If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?
That’s a great question. I think as long as they understand the children and are the same ethnicity I don’t think I would be too picky for the two main characters. For the moms I would love Priyanka Chopra for Emma’s mom she is a favorite actress of mine. For Harpers mom I think Gabrielle Union would be amazing. She has this great quality about her that I think would make her discussing Autism just come off as easy. I think they would be incredible to play these characters if it became a movie.
What was your favorite part to write and why? (Alternate Q: What is your least favorite part of the publishing / writing process?)
Favorite part to write was probably when Harper is talking to her mom about what Autism is. I felt like that was such a great scene to write and you can really feel her enthusiasm for wanting to be like Emma and flap her hands. I think it is a really fun scene for children to connect with and adults to realize were all special and being different is beautiful.
Just as your books inspire authors, what authors have inspired you to write? (Alternate Q: If you didn't like writing books, what would you do for a living?, What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?)
Its really interesting to be asked this question because I write in a different genre than I like to read. But I would say that Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite writers. I love how he is able to paint this world in your mind and I think that is really the goal for me as well.
Writing advice: keep going and be determined. Don’t get discouraged and do your research. There is a whole writing community out there that is super supportive. There are a ton of ideas out there and its ok to be rejected when querying. If you feel that you don’t want to wait then self publish because that is ok too. I love self publishing and having everything be my own idea. I am grateful for this writing community and all the amazing marketing ideas I have gotten as well as support. It is easy to be disappointed and discouraged, just never dwell on it, keep going, you will have that amazing published book that will be received positively by the world.
Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?
I do read each and everyone. I wish amazon would let me reply but I do reply on goodreads and anything I get on social media. I am truly grateful for all of my reviews. That means that person not only took the time to read my book but to write something. I have gotten one bad review and some constructive criticism. I would suggest always thinking about the criticism and see if you can use it to your advantage. Criticism is not negative just a learning tool. Any bad reviews just means that person was not meant for your book I feel. I would suggest rereading the good reviews to remind yourself there are a lot of people out there who not only love your book but understand the message.
What are you working on now? What is your next project?
Right now I am working on my second book that is in production and scheduled for release on April 2, 2021. I am super excited for this! I really hope to show with this second book another adventure or activity that little ones with Autism can do and not be afraid of judgement. I also have two other projects in the works that I am proud of. I wrote my family history into a story and will be putting it into publication, and I cannot wait to get the illustration process started. I also wrote the third installment in my short story series about the silly shenanigans my cats get into called Rascal Cat brothers. All three can be read on medium @ljayauthor or vocal. I plan to turn them into a short story book when I have four or more and put illustrations in. Hoping to have that done later this year too. Keep up on my social media and website for all these fun things coming and more books in the Let’s Talk series.
Thank you for stopping by Nighttime Reading Center, Lauren. I hope to see you around here. I hope you stop by once in awhile. I started to laugh with some of the answers. I am happy and will and hope to catch up with your books and in the series "Let's Talk".

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